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New Year, New You. Why resolutions in January are made to fail.

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Why make New Years Resolutions.  They’ll only make you feel bad.

The start of the New Year is often the perfect time to turn a new page in your life, which is why so many people make New Year’s resolutions. But why do so many people have a hard time keeping their resolutions?

Researchers have looked at success rates of peoples’ resolutions: The first two weeks usually go along beautifully, but by February people are backsliding.  One year later and most people are back where they started—or even further behind.

Why do so many people not keep their resolutions? Are people just weak-willed or lazy or did you set yourself up for failure from the beginning?

Approximately 50 percent of the population makes resolutions each New Year. Among the top resolutions are weight loss, exercise, stopping smoking, better money management and debt reduction.  Around 46 percent of resolution-makers successfully worked toward their goal, while only 4 percent of those who didn’t make a resolution, saw their desired outcome become a reality six months later.

Resolutions fail because of lack of planning. Don't set yourself up for failure. Spendaholics Anonymous.com

Have a goal and make a plan. A New Years resolution is bound to fail!

Researchers also found that people who were successful at keeping their New Year’s resolutions did indeed  slip, or make mistakes. In fact, 71 percent of people who were successful in their resolutions slipped in the first month. Interestingly, people who were not successful slipped at the same rate, but the people who were successful didn’t quit after making a mistake.  In many cases, they doubled their efforts after the slip.

This demonstrates that persistence is key.

[Resolution makers] move from thinking about it to doing it — what we call from the contemplation stage — to the action stage.  The idea of new year resolutions goes as far back as the Babylonians, so why stop now?

What’s your WHY?

I know I would like to lose weight but have I really thought through Why I want to lose weight.  How much over how long a period of time? Is that even medically feasible? Do I have a realistic expectation or did I just set myself up for failure again?

S.M.A.R.T goals are necessary for anything to succeed and New Years resolutions are no exception.

Do you have a plan of action?

There’s no point in me stating that “I Shall Give up Wine In the New Year“.  That is guaranteed to fail! Don’t do that to yourself.  I just finished reading “Why Mummy Drinks” by Gill Sims.  I swear this woman knows me…intimately!

What would be my SMART goals?

Lets start with Specific:- My goal is to lose 40 lbs before I turn 50.  That means I have exactly 7 months to achieve this mission (30 weeks to be exact).

Measurable?  Sure! I can rely on a set of scales or the fit of my clothes.  I could just gauge my energy levels or use an App.

Medical journals advocate 2 lb weight loss per week as safe and achievable. 30 weeks at 2 lb per week is 60 lbs.  My goal is Attainable.

Is it Relevant?  It is to me… what does that even mean?  Is it Timely? Pft..no better time than the present, unless it’s tomorrow….

Wait – do you mean “is there enough time” to accomplish this mission?  Well, it took 25 years to pile this on so I’m thinking 30 weeks to take it off is a DEAL.  Sign me up.  Part of the problem with people who quit or fail is that they expect changes to happen overnight.  This is a Marathon, not a sprint.

It’s never gonna work if you HATE exercise.

Personally – I do not like to be out of breath and sweaty. I do however, love dancing.  Hmm… how to combine the two to assist me in reaching my goal. Anything we see as a chore or a bore is sure to fail.

The best fitness plan is one that causes the least interruption to your daily life. The goal isn’t to add stress to your life, but rather to remove it. The best of us couldn’t bring ourselves to do something we hate consistently, so make getting in shape fun, however you’ve gotta do it.

Quite a lot of options here…

What if you need support?  Moral, Social or Technical support?

Moral support comes from friends and family.  It’s always best if someone has your back or will do it with you.  This can be quitting smoking, losing weight, gaining muscle… whatever. It’s always easier if your better half is on board.  For a long time there my better half sabotaged my healthy, lose weight plan at every turn.  I’m weak. He’s insecure…sorry..was insecure. Now he’s my greatest ally.

You won’t lose weight / quit smoking / clear your debts if the significant other is carrying on doing All The Things your trying to eliminate.

Social support can be found in online groups. I have a deep love for Healthy Role models. This group is Worldwide but the founder lives right here on the Island – a mere 1 hour drive away from me.

Twice a year you can sign up for a “Journey” that comes with exercise videos, goals, meal plans, nutrition guidelines and an online community of sisters that pick you up when you fall and slap you on the back for every win – no matter how small.

Technical support… what does that mean?  Well – with weight loss it could be as simple as The Ultimate Healthy Meal Planning BundleLimited time availability.  Over 1000 recipes. 30 meal plans with grocery lists and prep sheets. Specialized dietary information for Keto, breast feeding, busy moms or Gluten free.  LESS than $40.  Doesn’t get better than that!


Healthy Meal Planning Bundle 2019

If we are talking Debt then technical support comes in the form of a licensed Credit Counselor.  We only recommend 4Pillars.ca and here’s why..

READ “Life after Debt”

Time and cost – these can be a burden.

If you work a 90 hour week you may be able to afford a gym membership but your sure don’t have time (or the energy) to use it.  If you work three days a week (like me) you have time but no stinkin’ money.  Can you see the dilemma?

These two factors can nix your resolutions before you even start.  Don’t let that be the case.  Free up the time or MAKE time.  Everyone spouts on about Self Care these days.  I agree it’s important but as a Mom, trying having ME time without a huge guilt complex.  I’ve taken to starting early (like two or three hours before my cherubs surface) so that my ME time isn’t eating into their time.

I am also going to bust the “No stinkin money” problem by doing dancey, cardio, fun routines, following along on You tube.  Must remember to do extra to compensate for huge glass of wine later!

Keep Believing You Can Do It.

More often than not, people who fail to keep their resolutions blame their own lack of willpower. You have as much willpower as you think you have. Which means that on some level, your journey toward self-improvement will be a self-fulfilling prophecy!


Best wishes for a happy, healthy holiday season. Here’s hoping that 2019 will be a joyful one for the world, and a year where all of us get one step closer to the people that we want to be.





  1. Andrea says

    Get yourself a cheap step tracker and get walking. I trek everywhere these days and my legs are really toned. Need to work on my upper body now.

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