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Gravity Blankets – what’s the BIG DEAL? Do Gravity blankets work?

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What are Gravity Blankets?

What is the Big Deal being made about Gravity blankets? Do they actually work?  Well for a start…

Weighted blankets are therapeutic for those suffering from:

  • ‣ ADHD
  • ‣ Autism / Aspergers
  • ‣ Anxiety
  • ‣ Depresion
  • ‣ Fatigue/Low Energy
  • ‣ Fibromyalgia
  • ‣ Insomnia/Poor Sleep
  • ‣ Lack of Focus
  • ‣ Menopausal Symptoms
  • ‣ OCD
  • ‣ PTSD
  • ‣ Racing Thoughts
  • ‣ Restless Legs
  • ‣Stress

Why am I talking about weighted blankets today?

Can a “Blankie” really solve all of your sleep issues?


Well, I’ve been awake since 2:00 am (after retiring at a very sensible time of 10:00 pm) so I feel sleep deprivation is a big factor in today’s blog post (combined with the information that I actually work part-time in a sleep disorder clinic).

Last nights storms were a doozy! I can’t even imagine how the poor people in The Carolina’s are faring in the wake of Hurricane Florence. (My heart goes out to you guys – stay safe!)

Today I am so grateful to be able to snuggle on the sofa feeling safe and warm and my son (Asperger’s and ADHD with a little PTSD) is snuggling too. Some times, a blankie, a cup of tea and a good book is all that’s required to right my world.

For me, using a Gravity Blanket is like taking a sleeping pill. I’m not someone who typically has a hard time falling or staying asleep — actually, sleeping is one of my favorite pastimes. But I’m not much of a napper, and I have a hard time taking “power naps” or falling asleep when it’s still light out.

What is a Weighted Blanket?

Weighted blankets are engineered to be 7-12% of your body weight to relax the nervous system by simulating the feeling of being held or hugged.

This increases serotonin and melatonin levels and decreases cortisol levels—improving your mood and promoting restful sleep at the same time. All without ever filling a prescription.

I think it helps if you liken this to swaddling a newborn. The Gravity Blanket is designed with a stitched grid to keep micro beads evenly distributed (no hot bunching!) and is made of breathable fabrics that improve airflow. So they work even for people who tend to run a little hotter than most. Good news for my hubby!

The blanket takes its inspiration from a technique called deep pressure stimulation, which involves applying pressure to trigger the sympathetic nervous system and induce relaxation. Inside, the Gravity Blanket is filled with 15 to 25 pounds of little beads (technically “non-toxic plastic pellets and a cotton polyester blend mix”), giving it the texture of a bean bag.

One particular brand of Gravity Blanket became an overnight success, scooping up $3 million in crowd sourcing funding from over 15,000 sleepless people on the internet. The company described the blanket as “Advil PM for your whole body,” a $250 panacea for poor sleep, stress, anxiety, and more. The vision was so compelling, in part, because it was so simple. No wires, no batteries, no gizmos to bring into bed with you. No buttons, no apps, no unsightly headgear. All you needed was this soft, heavy blanket, filled with something like the Sandman himself.

Well OK then – which one is right for me? There’s a Gazillion to chose from.

What weight should you get?

My recommendation is to stick to 10% of your body weight unless you strongly feel you want something heavier or lighter. Because the Gravity Blanket is meant to be a grounding experience, I don’t recommend trying to share with a partner who might want or need to adjust it throughout the night.

How do you keep them clean?

The duvet is machine washable. I recommend only washing the blanket part by hand though. Simply remove the cover before washing, and machine wash in cold water with similar colors, using non-chlorine bleach. Tumble dry on low and cool iron if needed. Gravity Blankets can also be dry-cleaned.

What do they cost?

Like any product on the market today there’s a plethora of choices for the consumer. That being said, the sensible thing to do would be…your homework.

Of course, I’ve done a bit of that for you. You know I love to save money and so my first Go To is usually ETSY

                                                                           This lovely little number starts at a very reasonable $132.

By clicking my affiliate link you will be taken to a page that shows ALL of the Gravity blankets currently available on Etsy

Browse away Dear Heart.

Switching over to Amazon – my next favorite place to shop for bargains and I found that some Gravity blankets are on sale right now like this one, with a whopping $30 discount…

Again – prices in Amazon vary but also start at around $138 and increase depending on dimensions and weight and I love that you can get free two day shipping on most items through Amazon Prime. When I decide to buy I usually want it NOW so waiting two to three weeks for delivery just doesn’t do it for me.

Taking care of your non-humans.

Introducing the Thunder Shirt for your Doggo’s. It’s not just us humans that suffer during storms. It works exactly the same way as a Gravity blanket and starts at around $40.

“ThunderShirt’s patented design applies a gentle, constant pressure on a dog’s or cat’s torso. Using pressure to relieve anxiety has been a common practice for years. Prior to ThunderShirt, there just wasn’t an easy and safe way to do so for our dogs and cats. It is believed by many experts that this type of pressure works in a similar manner to swaddling an infant or people with autism using pressure to reduce persistent anxiety. For many types of anxiety or fear issues, no training is necessary! Just put ThunderShirt onto your dog or cat and you will likely see results with the very first usage. However, for some, it may take two to three usages to see maximum results. For some more serious anxiety cases, such as severe separation anxiety, you should consult a good trainer for how to integrate ThunderShirt into a training program.”


Fall is here with a vengeance – almost like someone just Flipped the Switch on summer. We barely had time to get our delivery of wood stacked before the heavens opened and the deluge commenced. Now, it will be like this until the end of April (I do live on the edge of a rain forest, after all). Taking care of my family during the not-so-pleasant Fall days gives me a next level of contentment.

Try it – you might like it too.



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